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Project Brief

This was a project given to the college (DISC) by the Manchester City Council where they were requesting help with updating their "Local Offer" website; the Local Offer, put simply, is a website collecting all the events and services offered mainly to young people with SEND.


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe XD


Initial Planning

So after consulting the brief, I then had to go out and find some guides and information on how to use the basics of Adobe XD as I was going to make the initial wireframe of the website layout.

After some YouTube searching and web browsing, I found out how do the basics of Adobe XD and then I moved onto drawing a basic plan on some paper. After getting a couple of ideas down, I moved over to Adobe XD and I tried to recreate them digitally.



The must-haves were that it needed to have the phrases "I am a young person", "I am family" and "I work with young people" as options, which I placed at the top.

Then there would be a section where news and events would be posted and could be easily clicked on and accessed, that became the middle part of the home page.

Then it needed a FAQ section which I added below, the idea was that it'd be a simple drop-down box with the question and then the answer in the drop down.

The final part was a section where you could sign up to the newsletter in order to keep up to date with what was happening, that became the footer.

Not shown, the very bottom was to include the contact information, copyrights and the involved parties, I added this section in the later version.

Wireframe #2.png
Web 1920 – 2.png


Final Version

I only designed the initial wireframe which was then handed off to the developer who refined the idea and built the page, this ended up being the final concept.

Another intern at the college provided the custom "local offer" graphic for the logo, then another built this concept web page based off my initial design and I built the original wireframe prototype.

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