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Google Maps Gallery

Project Brief

This was a simple project; I was to take some photographs of the murals in the Northern Quarter and then I had to make a custom Google Map with the location of the murals and the images I took.


Google Maps

Adobe Lightroom



I first had to figure out how to use Google Maps to create custom maps, so after some googling I found out how to create a custom map in Google Maps.


Then after playing around with it for a bit I managed to figure out how to add pictures, drop the pins, change the icons, how to embed the map into a website and how to change the visual theme of the map.


Planning and Execution

Now I'd figured out how to make a custom map on Google Maps, so from here I made a spreadsheet to catalogue the artist name, their social media link and the coordinates of the murals.

I went out to the Northern Quarter and picked out two murals I liked the look of, I settled on one from "TheHammo" and one from "Katie Scott" - after taking the pictures, going back to the office and doing some re-touching in Adobe Lightroom, I uploaded the images to the Google Map and added a brief description to each image and placed a pin at the location I found them.



Final Product

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